Terms and Conditions

General Provisions

In these Terms and Conditions, "Wanderlink" refers to Yellow Umbrella LLC, registered in New York State.

The party entering into a transaction with Wanderlink under these conditions is termed as the "Client". The term “Client” refers to any individual, group, or entity that engages with Wanderlink services under these conditions. This includes both direct transactions and any use of Wanderlink's platform. These conditions govern all interactions and agreements made with Wanderlink, inclusive of scenarios where third parties are involved in the provision or receipt of services.

Any modifications or alterations to these provisions require a written agreement. All other stipulations remain effective. Any deviation is limited to the specific contract where the deviation was sanctioned.

Wanderlink reserves the right to update or amend these terms.

Contractual Arrangements

Upon a client's sign-up via the Wanderlink website, a service contract is formed once Wanderlink validates the sign-up. Wanderlink can decline a registration with reasons or impose unique service conditions. Should a sign-up be rejected, the client will be informed within ten business days.

Contracts also take shape upon Wanderlink written consent to a service request by the client or when Wanderlink begins order fulfillment. Wanderlink can annul a contract if the client fails to adhere to agreed terms either currently or in previous engagements. Affected clients will be alerted within five business days post order receipt.

Electronic interactions between the client and Wanderlink, validated by Wanderlink, establish a binding contract. The absence of a written signature doesn’t diminish the contractual commitment.

Wanderlink isn't obligated by blatant errors on their website or contractual inaccuracies and can rectify them. Prior to contract finalization, clients must ensure they have chosen the accurate Wanderlink service.

Implementation of the Contract

Wanderlink commits to upholding the contract to the best of its ability, based on prevailing technological advancements.

Wanderlink may subcontract certain services to third parties if deemed necessary for optimal contract realization.

Clients, upon registration, must furnish Wanderlink with all pertinent details. Failure to provide essential information empowers Wanderlink to pause contract implementation. Clients affirm the accuracy of their provided details. Wanderlink isn't responsible for issues stemming from client misrepresentations unless Wanderlink should've been aware.

Should clients detect lapses in Wanderlink's service delivery, they must inform Wanderlink in writing within 14 days.

Contract Period and Termination

The understanding between Wanderlink and the client is open-ended unless otherwise specified.

Either party can conclude the contract with a one-month prior notice.

All termination requests by any party must be in written format.


Both entities are bound to treat shared information as confidential unless disclosure is either mandated by the disclosing party or implied from the data’s nature.

If due to legal obligations or a court order, Wanderlink is required to disclose confidential information to a third party authorized by law or a competent court, and if Wanderlink does not possess a legal or judicially recognized right to refuse such disclosure, then Wanderlink shall not be liable to provide compensation to the Client. Furthermore, under these circumstances, the Client shall not have the right to terminate the agreement based on any damage that may result from such disclosure. This provision is reciprocally applicable to the Client, in the event that the Client is obligated to disclose confidential information under similar conditions.

Health Disclaimer

Participation in physical exercise or training activities, as facilitated through the Wanderlink platform, inherently involves risks of physical injury. This applies to all forms of exercise, whether conducted independently or under the guidance of an instructor connected via the Wanderlink platform, and with or without the use of equipment such as blocks, straps, or any other apparatus that may be recommended by an independent instructor on Wanderlink.

Therefore, we strongly advise you to consult a healthcare professional before beginning any exercise regimen, routine, program, or using any suggested equipment. By engaging with activities or programs on the Wanderlink platform, you acknowledge and accept that physical activities, by their nature, carry the risk of physical or mental injury. You affirm that you bear the sole responsibility for assessing the risks involved and determining the suitability of any exercise program, class, course, or activity you participate in through our platform. You agree to exercise within your own limits and to select activities that are appropriate for your personal skills, abilities, health status, and physical condition.

Moreover, you agree to immediately cease any physical activity if at any point you experience discomfort, pain, dizziness, or any other symptoms that may indicate potential harm to your health. By using the Wanderlink platform, you expressly agree to release and discharge Wanderlink, its affiliates, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, lawsuits, injuries, damages, or losses that you may incur as a result of your participation in these activities. This release of liability includes, but is not limited to, injuries that may occur due to (a) the use of any exercise equipment or facilities, (b) the actions or omissions of independent instructors or other users connected via the Wanderlink platform, and (c) any accidents or injuries that occur while participating in any activity arranged through Wanderlink.

Prices and Charges

All prices and fees on the Wanderlink platform are listed in US dollars (USD). If payments are made in other currencies, currency conversion fees may apply. Please note that Wanderlink is not responsible for any such conversion fees or fluctuations in exchange rates.

Transaction Fees: For each class booked, Wanderlink charges a transaction fee, facilitating the connection between students and instructors. This fee is essential for maintaining and operating the platform.

Instructor Subscription Services: Instructors on Wanderlink can opt for additional subscription services, billed either monthly or annually. These services offer enhanced functionalities to support the instructors' activities on the platform.

Payment Processing through Stripe: All payments on Wanderlink are processed via Stripe, our chosen payment processing partner. While Stripe facilitates secure and efficient transactions, Wanderlink is not responsible for any issues or additional charges that may arise from Stripe's processing of payments, including but not limited to service fees or transaction disputes.

Pricing Adjustments: Wanderlink reserves the right to revise its pricing, including transaction fees and subscription costs. Users will be notified of any pricing changes at least one month in advance.

Protection Clause

Clients hold Wanderlink harmless against third-party claims, especially concerning intellectual property rights on client-provided data or details entered into Wanderlink's platform.

Clients also safeguard Wanderlink from claims related to contract execution between the client and Wanderlink or damages to third parties resulting from the client's actions.

Unforeseen Events

Beyond legal interpretations, force majeure includes uncontrollable external factors that prevent Wanderlink from meeting its contractual obligations.

During force majeure events, contract execution is paused.

If such events persist for over two months, either party can dissolve the contract without compensation obligations.

Ownership of Ideas

Materials and software shared by Wanderlink are exclusively for client usage, without replication or unauthorized third-party sharing. Intellectual rights remain with Wanderlink.

Wanderlink can use technical defenses to safeguard its offerings, which clients are forbidden from tampering with.

Clients obtain a limited, non-transferable software license from Wanderlink, with the intellectual rights remaining with Wanderlink.

Infringement of this clause allows Wanderlink to deny software access.

Client and Member Information

Data entered by clients or their members into Wanderlink's platform remains their property. Wanderlink only processes this data for software operation. A separate data agreement exists between the client and Wanderlink.

Clients bear responsibility for their inputted data. Wanderlink isn't liable for data losses or damages, barring proven Wanderlink negligence.

Personal data handling aligns with Wandelrink’s privacy guidelines and applicable data protection regulations in New York State.

Wanderlink can't be held accountable for client data losses or damages.

Governing Laws and Jurisdiction

All contracts with Wanderlink are governed solely by the laws of New York State.

Disputes concerning or emerging from contracts with Wanderlink will be presented to the competent court within the jurisdiction of New York State, unless legal provisions indicate otherwise.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at hello@yllwu.com.

Let us help you

Wanderlink puts wellness first and makes teaching easier for instructors. The platform streamlines scheduling, payment processing, live streaming, and expanding your reach to students worldwide. So, simply focus on your passion for teaching, and let Wanderlink handle the rest!


Wanderlink is a platform that connects wellness teachers with
practitioners around the world.