
yIn Bliss

by Wominbliss

$9 / Class



A slow-paced and gentle style of yoga that works with very basic postures to increase mobility, mobilize, stretch, and hydrate the body’s extensive fascial network, and invite the practitioner into a deeply meditative internal space.In yin yoga philosophy, time is more important than intensity. Time is what allows the body to relax into the stretch and allows the mind to surrender to the present moment. Objet : Demande de numéro IBAN et de compte pour paiement de facture en retard

What you will learn:
  • Tickrelease tension from the body , connect to your breath , gift yourself love by being present
Class requirements:
  • TickYou need nothing but a cosy space, comfortable wear , couple of pillows , inserts candles , you can have speakers , an eye mask and a blanket for in the end

  • beginner


  • language


  • schedule
    Class Schedule


Jairadha dasi

Inspired by sincerity im here to offer classes that will bring you into the sacred space of your body to feel ,release and breathe...


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